marichin papillons




March 7 -2020 At Heart Of America Kennel Club, INC, Marichin Royal Appointment took WD and BOW for a five point major, with these points he is now a Champion
January 11 2020  at the MID-Continent Kennel Club of Tulsa, Inc, in Tulsa, Oklahoma Marichin Royal Appointment took RWD

January 11 2020 At the Mid-Continent Kennel Club Of Tulsa, INC, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Marichin Princess Royal got WB for a four point Major

November 6 2019 We are delighted to announce that Marichin Royal Prerogative has gained his championship title. William is co-owned with Sonja Asido who has campaigned him so well

13 July 2019 At the TAPS Specialty in San Antonio, TX took CH Marichin La Aristocratica took Best Veteran at 14 years old

14 July 2019  At the Kennel Club of Greater Victoria, INC in San Antonio, Texas, Marichin Royal Princess took WB and BOW for two points.

13 July 2019 At the TAPS Specialty, Marichin Royal Princess took WB and AOM

July 13 2019 At the TAPS Specialty Marichin Royal Prerogative took Best in Sweepstakes, WD and BOW for 1 point

July 12, 2019  At the Kennel Club of Greater Victoria, Inc. Marichin Royal Appointment tookWinners Bitch for 1 point out of 9 to 12 Month Puppy Class

July 11, 2019 At the Bexar County Kennel Club Marichin Royal Appointment took Winners Bitch for 1 point  out of 9 to 12 Month Puppy Class

July 11, 2019 At the Bexar County Kennel Club Marichin Royal Prerogative took Best of Winners for 2 points and in Best Owner-Handled Toy Group 4 out of 9 to 12 Month Puppy Class.

12 July 2019 At the Kennel Club of Greater Victoria INC, in San Antonio, Texas Marichin Royal Appointment took WD and BOW for 2 points

June 2019 At the Mid-Tel-Tinker Kennel Club June 2019 Marichin Royal Appointment took Winners Dog Major Win

June 2019  At the Central Oklahoma Toy Dog Club, Inc in Midwest City, Oklahoma June 2019 Marichin Royal Appointment took WD for two points

30 May 2019 At the Papillon Club of America Sweepstakes  Marichin Royal Assent took 4th Place in (Bitches) and her litter brother Marichin Royal Prerogative also took 4th place in Sweepstakes (Dogs)

May 17, 2019 At the Abilene Kennel Club Marichin Royal Prerogative took Best of Winners for 2 points

May 5, 2019  At the Caddo Kennel Club of Texas, Marichin Royal Assent took Best of Winners for 1 point

May 4, 2019  At the Caddo Kennel Club of Texas, Marichin Royal Assent took Best of Winners for 1 point

May 4, 2019 At the Caddo Kennel Club of Texas Marichin Royal Prerogative WD and BOW for 2 points

April 21, 2019 At the D'Arbonne Kennel Club Marichin Royal Prerogative took Best of Winners for a 3 point Major

7 October 2018 At the Oakridge Kennel Club Marichin Blazen Back in Black got BOW & Opposite

9 April 2017 At the Salina Kennel Club, Inc. in Wichita, KS, Marichin Blazen Back in Black got WB for 1 point

12 March 2017 At the San Antonio Kennel Club, INC Marichin Blazen Back In Black took WB for one point

2 July 2016 At the Oklahoma Kennel Club, Inc in Oklahoma, CH Marichin A tribute To Nouveau took SD for a four point major over three specials, with this WIN he now becomes a GRAND CHAMPION

19 June 2016 At the Kennel Club Of Texarkana Inc. in Texarkana, Arkansas on Sunday June 19 2016 CH Marichin A Tribute To Nouveau took SD for a four point major over six specials

18 June 2016 At the Kennel Club Of Texarkana Inc. in Texarkana, Arkansas on  Saturday June 18 2016 CH Marichin A Tribute To Nouveau took SD for a three point major over four Specials

12 June 2016  At the Calsasieu Kennel Club, Inc in Lake Charles, Louisiana Sunday June 12 2016 Marichin Blazen Back in Black got WB and BOS for one point
10 June 2016 At the Acadiana Kennel Club, INC in Lake Charles, Louisiana on Friday, June 10 2016 CH Marichin A Tribute To Nouveau took SD over one special for one point

9 June 2016 At the Acadiana Kennel Club, INC in Lake Charles, Louisiana on Thursday, June 9 2016 CH Marichin A Tribute To Nouveau took SD over one special for one point

5 June 2016 At the Kennel Club Of Greater Covington, LA, Inc in Biloxi, MS Sunday June 5 2016 , CH Marichin Tribute to Nouveau took BOS over two specials, for one point

4 June 2016 At the Kennel Club of Greater Covington, LA, INC in Biloxi, Mississippi Saturday June 4 2016, CH Marichin A Tribute to Nouveau took SD over one special, for one point

29 May 2016 At the MID-Continent Kennel Club, INC in Stillwater, OK on Sunday 29 May 2016 , CH Marichin A Tribute to Nouveau took BOB with a four point major over 4 Specials

15 May 2016 At Victoria Club of The Greater Victoria INC, in Victoria Texas on Saturday May 14 20016, CH Marichin A Tribute To Nouveau took BOB for one point making the cut in the Group and the following day at the Victoria Club Of the Greater Victoria Inc. in Victoria, Texas, again he took BOB for one point

25 April 2016 At the D'Arbonne Kennel Club in Bossier City, Louisiana on Monday April 25 2016, CH Marichin A Tribute To Nouveau took SD over two specials for one point

24 April 2016 At the D'Arbonne Kennel Club in Bossier City, Lousiana on Sunday April 24 2016, CH Marichin A Tribute to Nouveau took SD over 6 Specials for a 3 point major

23 April 2016 At the Shreveport Kennel Club Inc, in Bossier City 23 April 2016, Marichin A Tribute to Nouveau took WD and BOS over five specials, for a major, with this win he finished his CH and made his sire GCH BISS Nouveau Less is More, aka Mouse, Sire of Merit

9 April 2016 At the Salina Kennel Club, INC in Park City, KS on April 9 2016 Marichin A Tribute to Nouveau took WD, BOW and BOS over two champions for two points

8 April 2016 At the Hutchinson Kennel Cub, Inc, Park City, KS on April 8 2016 Marichin A Tribute to Nouveau took WD and BOW for one point

1 April 2016 At the MID-DEL-Tinker Kennel Club, INC in Cleremore, Oklahoma on Friday April 1 2016 Marichin People's Princess took SB for a four point major. On the same day at the Papillon Club Of Tulsa Specialty she also took SB with a four point major, with this she finished her Grand Championship. At the Tulsa Specialty Marichin A Tribute To Nouveau took RWD

12 March 2016 At The San Antonio Kennel Club Inc. Saturday March 12 2016 CH Marichin People's Princess took BOS for one point and the following day at the San Antonio Kennel Club Inc. she again took  BOS for a furthur point, Also at the San Antonio Show Marichin A Tribute to Nouveau took WD for one point

14 February 2016 At the Guadalupe Valley Dog Fanciers Inc February 14 2016 CH Marichin People's Princess took BOS with two points

17 January 2016 At the Corpus Christi Kennel Club, Inc cluster in Corpus Christi , TX CH Marichin People's Princess took BOS for one point on each of the four days 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th January. On the Saturday and on the Sunday she won  over specials.

17 January 2016 At the Corpus Christi Kennel Club, Inc cluster in Corpus Christi , TX Thursday January 14 2015 Marichin Blazen Back In Black took WB for one point, on Friday January 15-2015 RWB and on  Sunday January 17 2015 WB for one point

10 January 2016 At the Nolan River Kennel Club, Inc in Glen Rose TX 10 January 2016, CH Marichin People Princess took Select Bitch for two points

5 December 2015 At  the Trinity Valley Kennel Club INC in Dallas, TX, 5 December 2015 Marichin Blazen Bank In Black took WB

29 November 2015 At the Conroe Kennel Club, in Conroe, TX 29 November 2015 CH Marichin Lord Of The Isles took BOB with a three point Major thus gaining his GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP. At just 14 months old he gained his CH title on 25 October 2015, it has taken him just one month and four days to gain his GR CH

15 November 2015 At the Town &Country Kennel Club, Inc in Chickasha, OK 15 November 2015 CH Marichin Lord Of The Isles took BOS over specials for a three point major

14 November 2015 At the Town & CountryKennel Club, Inc, in Chickasha, Ok,14 November 2015  CH Marichin Lord Of The Isles took over specials for a five point major

13 November 2015 At the Canadian Valley Kennel Club, Inc, in Chickasha, OK 13 November 2015 CH Marichin Lord Of The Isles took Select Dog for another three point major

12 November 2015 At the Canadian Valley Kennel Club, Inc, in Chickasha, OK Novembeer 12 2015 CH Marichin Lord Of The Isles took Select Dog for a three point major

8 November 2015 At the Ozarks Kennel Club, Inc, in Springfield, MO November 8 2015 CH Marichin Lord Of The Isles took SD (Select Dog) for one point over special

6 November 2015 At the North Arkansas Kennel Club in Springfield, MO CH Marichin Lord Of The Isles took BOB over specials, for another four point major

5 November 2015 At the North Arkansas Kennel Club in Springfield, MO November 15 2015 CH Marichin Lord of the Isles, took BOB over specials for a four point major, first point to his GR CH

25 October 2015 At the Travis County Kennel, Inc, in Austin , TX Sunday, October 25 2015 Marichin Lord of the Isles took WD and BOS for a three point major thus gaining his Championship

18 October 2015 At the Bell County Kennel Club in Belton, TX Sunday, October 18-2015 CH Marichin People's Princess took  BOS over specials for two points

17 October 2015 At the  Bell County Kennel Club in Belton, TX Saturday, October 17-2015 CH Marichin People's Princess took BOB over specials for a three point major.

16 October 2015 At the Stepheville Kennel Club, INC in Belton, TX Friday, October 16-2015 CH Marichin People's Princess took BOS over specials for two points

15 October 2015 At the Stepheville Kennel Club, INC in Belton, TX Thursday, October 15-2015, CH Marichin People's Princess took BOS over specials for one point

23 August 2015 At the  Manhattan Kansas Kennel Club Inc. In Topeka, KS  Sunday, August 23 2015 Marichin Lord of the Isles took WD and BOW for a three point major

20 August 2015 At the Topeka Kennel Club, Inc in Topeka, KS Thursday 20 August 2015 Marichin Lord of the Isles took WD for one point

19 August 2015 At the MO-KAN Toy Dog Club on Wednesday19 August 2015  Marichin Lord of the Isles took WD and BOW for two points

17 August 2015 At the Greater Emporia Kennel Club, Inc on Monday 17 August 2015 Marichin Lord of the Isles again took WD with one point. Over this weekend showing he has taken 4 WD, 2 BOW and a BOS over Specials with 6 points at 10 months old

16 August 2015 At the Jesse James Kennel Club Show on Sunday August 16 - 2015 Marichin Lord of the Isles took WD and BOW, the major broke in bitches , giving him another two points making five points on his first week of showing,

15 August 2015 At the Greater Emporia Kennel Club, Inc on Friday, August 14-2015 Marichin Lord of the Isles at his first show aged 10 months took WD and BOW and the following day at the Jesse James Kennel Club he took WD and BOS over Specials.

11 July 2015 At the Bexar County Kennel Club Inc on Saturday, July 11-2015 Marichin People's Princess took WB for a three point major, with this she finished her CH , all her points are from the Bred By Class

11 July 2015 At the Bexar County Kennel Club Inc. Adiva Marichin Moonlight Dream gained her Grand Champion title with a Major Win

8 July 2015 At the Alamo Area Toy Dog Club on Wednesday , July 8-2015 Marichin A Tribute To Nouveau took WD for one point, from the Bred By class

6 March 2015 At the Kennel Club Of Greater Victoria, Inc, on Friday March 6-2015 Marichin People's Princess WB and BOB for two points over specials from the Bred by Class

4 March 2015 At the Alamo Area Toy Dog Club on Wednesday, March 4-2015, Marichin A Tribute To Nouveau took got WD for one point

2 Novermber 2014 At the Tri-State Kennel Club in Joplin , MO on Sunday, November 2-2014 Marichin People's Princess took WB and BOW for a four point major from the bred by class

13 July 2014 At the Bexar County Kennel Club on Sunday July 13-2014 Marichin People's Princess took WB and BOW for a four point major, from the bred by classAt Comal County Kennel Club Inc on Thursday, July 10-2014 Marichin A Tribute To Nouveau took WD for two points

12 July 2014 At the Specialty of The Alamo Papillon Society in San Antonio, TX on Saturday July 12- 2014 Marichin People's Princess took  WB for a four point major and Best of Sweepstakes

9 July 2014 At Alamo Area Toy Dog Club on Wednesday, July 9-2014 Marichin A Tribute To Nouveau took WD and BOW with three point major from the Bred By Class

8 March 2013 At San Antonio Kennel Club in San Antonio , TX on Saturday, March 8 - 2014  Marichin People's Princess took WB for two points, from the Bred by Class

20 October 2013 At Bell County Kennel Club, in Belton, TX on Sunday, October 20-2013  Marichin People's Princess took WB and BOW for one point at six months old, from the Bred by Class

18 October 2013  At Stephenville Kennel Club, Inc in Belton, TX on Friday, October 18 2013 Marichin A Tribute To Nouveau took WD and BOW for one point at six months

17 October 2013 At Stephenville Kennel Club of Texas , Inc in Belton on Thursday, October 17 2013 Marichin A Tribute To Nouveau took WD for one point at 6 months from the Bred By Class

10 July 2014 At the Alamo Area Toy Dog Club Marichin A Tribute to Nouveau (Felipe) took WD & BOW for a three point major, Marichin People's Princess (Diana) took RWB to a three point major and Marichin Presencia Majestuosa (Isabel) won her class of 12 to 18 months

21 November 2012 At the Canadian Valley Kennel Club, INC in Chickasha, OK,  CH Powdermill Look Of An Angel took BOB and with it gained her Grand Champion Title

17 June 2012 At Kennel Club Of Texarkana on Saturday June 16 2012 & Sunday June 17 2012 Powdermill Look Of An Angel took BOS with two five points majors over special

10 June 2012 At the Calcasieu Kennel Club Inc, in Lake Charles, Louisiana on Sunday, June 10-2012 Powdermill Look Of An Angel took  BOS with another three point major for her Gr CH

9 June 2012 At the Calcasieu Kennel Club INC in Lake Charles, Louisiana on Saturday, June 9-2012 Powdermill Look Of An Angel took BOS with another three point major for GR CH

8 June 2012 At the Acadiana Kennel Club, INC in Lake Charles, Louisiana on  Friday, June 8-2012  Powdermill Look Of An Angel took BOS with a three point major against her GR CH

7 June 2012 At the Acadiana Kennel Club, INC in Lake Charles Louisiana on Thursday, June 7-2012 Powdermill Look Of An Angel took WB, BOW & BOS with a three point major, with this she finished her Championship.

18 February 2012 At the Guadalupe Valley Dog Fanciers on Saturday February 18 2012, Adiva Marichin Moonlight Pearl took WB & BOS for one point

15 January 2012 At the Corpus Cristi Kennel Club, Inc on Saturday January 14-2012, Adiva Marichin Moonlight Dream, took Winners Bitch & BOS and on 15 January Powdermill Look Of An Angel took Winners Bitch & BOS

11 December 2011 At the  Trent Valley Kennel Club  Adiva Marichin Moonlight Dream took Winners Bitch with 4 Point Major

29 November 2011 We are delighted to announce that on Saturday, November 26 and Sunday November 27 - 2011 at Cen-Tex Kennel Club GCh Nouveau Less Is More took BOS with three point major both days and that this gave him his Grand Champion Title. In attaining this he had a total of 5 Majors. He took his first points in October last year and was then out of the ring until July this year. He has taken BOB or BOS or SD at every show, quite an acheivement for a nine year old. We are of course extremely proud of him.

1 November 2011 At the Travis County Kennel Club on October 29-2011, Powdermill Look Of An Angel took WB and BOS for one point.

1 November 2011
At the Newnan Kennel Club, INC on Sunday, October 23-2011 in Atlanta, Marichin Dama de Castilla took WB and BOW for a four point major.

1 November 2011
At the Stephenville Kennel Club, Thursday October 20 and Friday, October 21 2011 CH Nouveau Less Is More took Select Dog, at the Bell County Kennel Club, Saturday, October 22 and October 23 he again took Select Dog. At the Travis County Kennel Club in Austin TX on October 29 and October 30-2011 he took BEST OF BREED.

18 September 2011
At the Dallas-Fort Worth Toy Dog Club, Saturday, September 17 -2011 Ch Nouveau Less Is More  took Select Dog with a three point major and on the following day at the Dallas-Fort Worth Toy Dog Club, took BOS with a three point major.

16 July 2011        At The Alamo Papillon Society, CH Nouveau Less Is More took Best Veteran and BEST OF BREED with five points towards his GR Championship, CH Monarch Mystique took Best Bitch Veteran and Powdermill Look Of An Angel, took Winners Bitch with a three point major.

16 July 2011 At the Bexar County Kennel Club, INC , Powdermill Look Of An Angelo took Winners Bitch with a four point major.

26 May 2011 At the Papillon Club of Tulsa Specialty on Thursday May 26 2011, Powdermill Look Of An Angel took Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for a five point major.

24 October 2010 At the Bell County Kennel Club Marichin PettimarQ Out Law took WB with1 point

22 October 2010 At the Stephenville Kennel Club Of Texas Marichin Dama De Castilla took WB & BOW with 1 point and CH Nouveau Less Is More took BOS over two specials gaining one point for his Grand Championship

29 May 2010

At the Seminole Kennel Club, Inc in Tulsa, Oklahoma, after entering Marichin Senor de Castilla (Mister) at shows for 8 months and only being able to show him twice, we eventually found a show where Majors were available. Mister took WD and BOW with a four point major thus taking his American Title to add to his German one. All his points have pleasingly come from the Bred By Class.

12 March 2010 At the Kennel Club Of Greater Victoria Inc. 12 March 2010 Marichin Dama De Castilla took WB & BOW

21 February 2010 At Guadalupe Valley Dog Fanciers on Sunday 21 February 2010 Marichin Dama De Castilla took WB with 1 point

31 October 2009 At the Gabriel Kennel Club Marichin Presencia Imperial co -owned with Karen Mather took WD & BOW with a 4 Point Major giving him his American Title. He becomes the third champion sired by Am Ch Nouveau Less Is More

19 October 2009 Whilst sparingly used Am Ch Nouveau Spot On today became a Sire Of Merit. In each of the litters he has sired he has produced at least one champion

20 September 2009 At the Santa Anna Valley Kennel Club Show Marichin Presencia Imperial co -owned with Karen Mather took WD and BOW with 2 points on 19 September and on 20 September took WD with another 2 points

30 August 2009 At the Santa Barbara Kennel Club Show Marichin Presencia Imperial co -owned with Karen Mather took WD and BOW

25 July 2009 At the Lompoc Valley Kennel Club Marichin Presencia Imperial co -owned with Karen Mather took WD

28 June 2009 On 28 June 2009 at the MID-DEL-TINKER Kennel Club in Oklahoma City, OK, German Champion Marichin Senor de Castilla took WD, BOW and BOS for two points and Marichin Dama De Castilla took WB for two points. Both wins came from the Bred By classes

15 June 2009 On 14 June 2009 at the Texacana, AR show German CH Marichin Senor de Castilla (call name Mister) took WD & BOW with a 5 point major

1 June 2009
On Saturday 30 May 2009 at the Alamo Area Toy Dog Club, in San Antonio, TX German CH Marichin Senor de Castilla (call name Mister) took WD & BOS. The following day he took  WD, BOW & BOB over two Specials and Marichin Dama De Castilla (call name Dama) took WB.

21 March 2009 At Mid-Kentucky Kennel Club Inc. CH Nouveau Less Is More took BB under the well known judge Mr Edd Embry Bivin

8 March 2009

At his debut in the American Show Ring German Champion Marichin Senor de Castilla took the following awards:-Thursday, March 5-2009, at the Kennel club Of Greater Victoria WD and BOS, with one point; Friday, March 6-2009, Kennel Club of Greater Victoria RWD; Sunday, March 8-2009, at the San Antonio Kennel Club WD, BOW and BOS, with two points. Marichin Dama de Castilla took RWB on the Friday and on the Sunday

22 February 2009

At the Metropolitan Area Papillon (MAP) Club of Washington, D.C. Specialty today CH Nouveau less Is More took AOM

4 October 2008

At the Channel City Kennel Club 2008 Marichin de Castilla took WB and BOW

29 September 2008 We are delighted that Am Ch Nouveau Less Is More returned to the ring at the Columbia Kennel Club, Inc on 29.9.08 ably handled by Pat Quinn  where he took BOB.

3 February 2008 At  the SunMaid Kennel Club Dog Show in Fresno, Ca Marichin Presencia Imperial, jointly owned with Karen Mather, took WD with a further 2 points

5 November 2007 At Mid-Continent K.C. of Tulsa on November 2  2007 Adiva The Protege took Best Puppy.

5 November 2007

At the San Gabriel Valley Kennel Club Dog Show Marichin Presencia Imperial  (co owned with Karen Mather) took WD and BOW with a 3 point Major.

2 October 2007

At the Burbank Kennel Club October 2007 Marichin Baronesa de Castilla (co owned with Janice Harrington) took Winners Bitch and Marichin Presencia Imperial  (co owned with Karen Mather) took Reserve Winners Dog.

20 August We are delighted that at his first shows Marichin Senor de Castilla (co-owned with Alexa Wilfling) took Excellent 1, CAC, best male, BEST TOYDOG and ended up RESERVE BEST IN SHOW!! and followed that up next day with Excellent 1, CAC and CACIB
28 July 2006 Saturday, July 14-2007 River City Cluster Show, at the Bexar County Kennel Club Inc, Powdermill Touch Of Art Nouveau got WD and BOW with a three point major under the Judge Mr. Rodi Hubenthal from Norway. This gives him his American Title
11 March 2007 After a good break from the ring Powdermill Touch Of Art Nouveau was back in action at the Alamo City Cluster in San Antonio, TX with the following results :- Thursday March 8-2007  at Comal County Kennel Club, INC he got WB & BOW with one point; Friday March 9 2007 at Kennel Club Of Greater Victoria INC, he got WD & BOW gaining two points;Sunday March 11 - 2007 at San Antonio Kennel Club, INC he got WD & BOW gaining two points.
6 November 2006 We are proud to announce that Marichin La Aristocratica gained her title at the Tulsa Area Cluster Show in style taking WB at the Papillon Club of Tusla Specialty with a 5 Point Major and the following day again taking WB with another 5 Point Major at the Bartlesville Kennel Club. On Sunday, November 5 - 2006 at the Tri-State kennel Club, Inc, Elena was moved to the BOB and took BOS over Specials
23 October 2006

Sunday, October 22 at Fun-Tier Kennel Club of Greater Killeen in Belton TX,  Marichin La Aristocratica took WB gaining two points.

1 October 2006 We recently attended the LA PRAIRIE DOG CLUSTER in Lubbock, TX., with the following results:- Thursday September 28  at Heart Of The Plains Kennel Club Powdermill Touch Of Art Nouveau took RWD;  Friday September 29 at West Texas Kennel Club Marichin La Aristocratica took WB, BOW & BOS whilst Powdermill Touch Of Art Nouveau again took RWD;  Saturday September 30 at Heart Of The Plains Kennel Club, Inc. Powdermill Touch Of Art Nouveau took WD & BOW Marichin La Aristocratica took WB, BOS and Best Bred By Exhibitor; Sunday October 1 at West Texas Kennel Club Powdermill Touch Of Art Nouveau took WD & BOW
13 August 2006 We are delighted to announce that Marichin La Aristocratica took WB and BOS gaining two points, and was also Best Bred By Exhibitor at the Corpus Cristi Kennel Club, Inc. Show. What made this even more pleasing was that only just over a couple of months ago Elena was bitten by a rattlesnake and was extremely poorly. It was for a while touch and go certainly as to whether she would ever get back into the ring and her recovery has been remarkable.
28 July 2006 We are delighted to announce that Powdermill Touch of Art Nouveau made his debut in the ring in the USA and attained the following results.

Wednesday, July 26 2006 at the Comal County Kennel Club, Inc.  RWD

Thursday, July 27 - 2006 at Austin Kennel Club, Inc. WD & BOW with a four point major

Friday, July 28 - 2006 at Bexar County Kennel Club, Inc. WD with two points

23 April 2006 We are delighted to announce that at Beeville, TX Nouveau Spot On took WD and BOW gaining two points and gained his American Championship
9 March 2006 At the Kennel Club Of Greater Victoria Inc March 9 2006 Nouveau Spot On took WD with a three point Major
7 November 2005 We are delighted to announce that Nouveau Less Is More majored out taking his American Title with three 4 Point Majors and a Three Point Major. He follows on from his litter sister Am & Brz Ch Nouveau Texas Lady who also majored out. 'Mouse' as Less Is More is known is our third papillon to be titled this year.
7 November 2005 At the Tri-State Kennel Club, Inc. Tulsa OK, Friday, November 4, 2005 Nouveau Less Is More took WD with a 3 Point Major and followed that on Saturday November 5 2005 at the Bartlesville Kennel Club, Inc. Tulsa OK, by taking WD with a Four Point Major. This gives him his American Title, he majored out with three Four Point Majors and a Three Point Major. At the Mid-Continent Kennel Club of Tulsa, Inc. Tulsa OK, Sunday, November 6, 2005 he took RWD.
28 June 2005 Powdermill Looking Good for Nouveau whelps two tri colour bitch puppies, the sire is Nouveau Less Is More
May 2005

At the Central Oklahoma Toy Dog Club on Saturday 21 May Monarch's Mystique took WB, BOW and BOS with a four point major, gaining the final points for her title

On the final day Nouveau Spot On took WD with another  two points towards his title

April 2005

At the Shreveport Kennel Club Inc Show, on the first day Nouveau Less Is More took WD with BOW and a four point Major and his litter sister Nouveau Texas Lady took RWB. The following day Nouveau Less Is More again took WD & BOW  this time with BOB and Group 4. The final day Nouveau Texas Lady took WB and BOS with a four point Major, the final points needed for her American title.

April 2005

At the Brazos Valley Kennel Club in Navasota, Texas, Nouveau Less Is More won his class on 2 April and took RWD and the following day his litter sister Nouveau Texas Lady took WB and BOS over Specials with a further 2 points.

February 2005

At The Alamo City Cluster in San Antonio, San Antonio Kennel Club, on February 6 - 2005, Nouveau Texas Lady took WB and BOS over Specials with a Four Point Major.

December 2004

At Northiake Kennel Club of Greater Covington in Biloxi, Mississippi, Nouveau Spot On got Winners Dog gaining one point.


September 2004

September 25 at the Prairie Dog Cluster in Lubbock, Texas Br Ch Nouveau Texas Lady took Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Of Opposite Sex with a three point major


September 2004

September 23  at the Prairie Dog Cluster in Lubbock, Texas Nouveau Spot On took Winners Dog and Best of Winners with a three point major.


August 2004

At the Cotton Land Cluster in Monroe, Louisiana, August 2004 Br Ch Nouveau Texas Lady took WB BOS with a Four Point Major


June 2004

At the Acadiana Kennel Club Show, in Lafayette, LA,  Saturday, June 19, Nouveau Spot On took WD and BOW, with two points and his half sister Br Ch Nouveau Texas Lady took Reserve Winners Bitch.


June 2004

At the Calcasieu Kennel Club Show 5 June 2004 Riley's Queen of Heart's took WB, BOW & BOS with a three point major. Nouveau Spot On took RWD


May 2004

At his first two shows at the Central Toy Dog Club Show in Oklahoma, our new youngster Nouveau Spot On aged nine months took RWD on the first day and on the second day took WD and BOW with a 3 Point Major.


April 2004

We are delighted to announce that Nouveau Texas Lady attained her Brazilian Title and took the CAC at the World Show


October 2003

We are delighted to announce that Brazilian Champion and Grand Champion Marichin Lady Margaret has now gained her International Title.


July 2003

July 2003 AM Ch Agadac Pied Piper gains his Brazilian and Pan American Championship


June 2003

At the Calcasieu Kennel Club Inc Show Monarch's Mystique took a 3 point major.   At the same show Nouveau Texas Lady took Best Puppy in Breed and Toy Puppy Group 3.